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Terms & Conditions

The undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Nanaimo Motocross Association. As a condition of membership and the use of the facilities owned or operated by the Nanaimo Motocross Association, the undersigned assumes all risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting from any cause whatsoever including but not limited to the inherent risks of the motocross sport, the use of the motocross track, a collision with natural or man-made objects or other motocross operators or their equipment, negligence, breach of contract, or breach of statutory duty on the part of Nanaimo Motocross Association and it's employees, volunteers, directors and agents. The undersigned agrees that the Nanaimo Motocross Association and it's employees, volunteers, directors and agents shall not be liable for any such personal injury death or property loss and releases Nanaimo Motocross Association, it's employees, volunteers, directors and agents and waives all claims against them.

The undersigned has read the above, understands it and signs this document on the understanding that he/she is over the age of
nineteen, that no oral representations, statements or inducements apart from the foregoing have been made and that the purpose of this document is to make the undersigned entirely responsible for any personal injury, property damage or death and to preclude any recovery for damages, costs or expenses by the undersigned against the Nanaimo Motocross Association.

All rules regarding the use of the Nanaimo Motocross Association facilities will be adhered to. Any infractions may result in reprimands or suspension as seen fit by the Nanaimo Motocross Association officials.




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Site Rules and Regulations

  2. Park use is for MEMBERS ONLY. Non-members must purchase a day pass or a membership.

  3. Pit riding is dangerous and can cause erosion to park property. Use first gear only and no spinning wheels.

  4. Vehicle speed on the site should be kept to a minimum.

  5. Fires must not be left unattended.

  6. Dogs must be kept on a leash and under control at all times. Keep dogs away from the track.

  7. Keep your area clean. Do not leave litter or bikeparts behind. Take your garbage home.

  8. Overnight pit stays are limited to park event days only.

  9. No open alcohol.

  10. Quiet time: 10pm - 7am. No generators between this time.

  11. Ride only on designated tracks and trails.

  12. Stay away from environmentally sensitive areas {no riding through creek)

  13. Members must stay on the NMA designated property. Do not trespass onto neighbours property.

  14. Quads/SxS are not permitted within the facility

Track Rules and Regulations
  1. No riding on the track without a Membership or Day Pass, waivers must be signed before riding anywhere on the property.

  2. Non-riders must stay off the track while riding is in progress, only officials are allowed on the track during active riding. 50cc teams exempt.  {Pitcrew and Mechanics must stay in designated area) 

  3. Riders must ride in ONE DIRECTION ONLY. Riders using the track in an inappropriate or unsafe manner will be requested to leave.  

  4. During regular riding days: riders must ROLL OVER JUMPS when young riders or beginners are in front, young riders and beginners must STAY IN THEIR LINE.  

  5. Family Memberships include all family living under one roof. 

  6. Riders under 19 must have the waiver signed by a parent/guardian WHO MUST STAY AT THE TRACK. 

  7. Riders must wear protective gear, at minimum:  Helmet, googles, protective boots and gloves. Chest protector, neck brace, protective pants and long sleeve jersey are recommended.  

  8. Ride only during daylight hours. 

  9. Always ride with a buddy and bring a Cell Phone for emergency calls 

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