Where is the track and how do I get to the track?
The Wastelands Motorcross Track is in Nanaimo off Jingle Pot Road, onto Biggs Road which turns into Weigles Road. See Google Maps for further information.
When is the track open?
The track is generally open during daylight hours 7 days a week, 365 days per year except during track maintenance and work parties. Any closure dates/times will be posted on this site.
How do I join and how much does it cost?
You can join the club as a single individual or family membership. The club also supports reduced associate memberships for members of other Island motocross associations. See Membership for further information.
Do you have any training available?
The club offers motocross training sessions from time to time for a variety of rider levels. See the Event Calendar for further information and follow our social media sites for updates.
Where and when are races?
VIMX generally offers 10 races a year. See the Event Calendar for further information.
What are the ages of riders that race?
Below is a list of classes we offer at our events! All ages, all skill levels are welcome!
How do I volunteer for the executive or other areas?
NMA is in much need of more volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering for the executive or as a volunteer for the club or specific events please Contact Us.
Who is running Vancouver Island Motocross Association (VIMX)?
VIMX is run by volunteers again this year, NO board of directors.....during race wkds please direct all questions, concerns to the Ref if race related or the host tracks president
Your VIMX/Club Presidents are as follows:
AVMX - Geoff Brown
NMA - Darryl Lenko
CRMX - Tim Fluter
50cc Tyke Class **NEW
50cc (4-6) - Trophy
50cc (7-8) - Trophy
50cc Open **NEW
65cc (7-9) - Trophy
65cc (10-11) - Trophy
65cc Open **NEW
85cc (7-11) - Trophy
85cc (12-16) - Trophy
Supermini - Trophy
Schoolboy (125 only) - Trophy
Schoolboy 2 (150 2s to 250 4s) - Trophy
Beginner Open - Trophy
Junior Open - Trophy
Ladies - Trophy
Intermediate Open - Payback
Pro Open - Payback
Youth Open (17-29) - Payback
Vet Junior - Payback
Vet Master - Payback
Plus 30 - Payback
Plus 40 - Payback